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  • 2 playlisten

Über mich

Gabriel Broggini (Voice)
Ivan Broggini (Guitar)

Gabriel and Ivan are brothers. That is a promising, almost unbreakable set-up in the rock business. Yet they are still quite different characters. But whatever differences, vanities, stupidities or inconsistencies: everything stays in the family. And that’s a good thing.

And then came the day which changed Gabriel’s and Ivan's world all of a sudden. On 10th December 2011 SINPLUS were chosen to officially represent Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku in Azerbaijan. The title «Unbreakable» defeated all the other strong competitors. But before the Eurovision adventure, in April 2012 they released the first SINPLUS album «Disinformation» with eleven songs in total.

Without a doubt: Baku was a milestone in SINPLUS's career. Both brothers Gabriel and Ivan have been up and down the country since then and became famous musicians even far beyond the Swiss borders. Even if SINPLUS missed out on the final, for outsiders it is barely understandable just what this competition participation triggered: 50,000 «Unbreakable» downloads, 3 million YouTube hits, 280,000 Spotify streams and 12,000 Facebook fans. Up to now close contact to fans in many countries. Enquiries and reactions from all over the world, especially from those countries where SINPLUS was able to perform thanks to the Eurovision spectacle: Holland, Belgium, Moldova, Sweden, the Czech Republic and from Lithuania, Russia, the Ukraine or from Portugal and Spain.

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